August 2024

  • A new paper, led by Dr. Homeyer, was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres! The study leverages trace gas observations from the DCOTSS field campaign to evaluate the significance of mechanisms for the stratospheric delivery of water vapor in tropopause-overshooting convection. LINK

July 2024

  • CCC group member Andrea Gordon spent 3 weeks at the National Center for Atmospheric Research collaborating with colleagues in the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling laboratory.
  • A new paper, led by CCC member Andrea Gordon, was published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics! The study presents observations of upper troposphere lower stratosphere composition change in an above-anvil cirrus plume storm measured during the DCOTSS field campaign. LINK

June 2024

  • Several members of the CCC group presented at the American Meteorological Society 22nd Conference on Middle Atmosphere in Burlington, VT!